GuruNanda to Challenge NAD Ruling on Teeth Whitening Claim

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In a recent development, GuruNanda, an US based company known for its oil pulling and teeth whitening products, has announced its intention to appeal the National Advertising Division’s (NAD) recommendation to discontinue its “natural teeth whitening” claim. This decision comes amid a broader push for consumer protection and transparency in advertising claims.

The NAD, recommended that GuruNanda discontinue the “natural teeth whitening” and “dazzle from first application” claims after a challenge brought by The Procter & Gamble Company. The NAD concluded that the studies submitted by GuruNanda were not sufficiently reliable to support the whitening claim. Additionally, the NAD found that the “dazzle from first application” claim could mislead consumers into expecting immediate results.

GuruNanda has agreed to comply with the NAD’s recommendation regarding the “dazzle from first application” claim but plans to appeal the decision on the “natural teeth whitening” claim. The company stated that it respectfully disagrees with the NAD’s conclusion and will seek a review by the National Advertising Review Board (NARB).

This case highlights the increasing scrutiny on advertising claims in the consumer protection landscape. As regulatory bodies and consumer advocacy groups push for greater accountability, companies are being urged to ensure that their marketing claims are substantiated and not misleading.

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