Study finds topical application of Nueropeptide has anti-aging benefits

Researchers from the R&D Institute , Biosolution ,Seoul Technopark have studied the clinical effectiveness of neuropeptide substance P (SP) in reducing age-related skin wrinkling. The study evaluated the efficacy of the topical application of SP on wrinkle reduction. For the clinical study, they tested the efficacy of a stable SP formulation known as SP-based hydrogel against skin aging in study participants. They found that this SP-based hydrogel reduced skin aging based on changes observed in several cutaneous parameters. Substance P (SP), a small-sized neuropeptide consisting of 11 amino acids, is produced in wound areas and exhibits effective skin regenerative activity . The anti-aging effects of SP are attributed to its anti-inflammatory activity and effects on collagen synthesis. Studies have shown that SP increases type I pro-collagen levels, correlated with the regulation of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1 as well as anti-inflammatory activity, thus indicating its potential anti-aging efficacy in clinical practice. Although the potential anti-aging activity of SP facilitates its use in cosmeceuticals, its application has been limited owing to its low stability. The study indicated a remarkable decrease in wrinkles after 8 weeks of SP-based hydrogel treatment. It must be noted here that this is the first such clinical study on ageing skin.

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